Saturday, August 31, 2013

Relaxing Day at Home..Day 12

Landry missed the memo that on Saturday's you really can sleep past 5:45!  Sweet boy was ready to begin his day despite it being pitch dark outside still and really wasn't interested in watching a movie in our bed so daddy and I could still catch some sleep.
There was a thunderstorm going on at this time and I am thankful for the peace that it brought and we were able to just lay in bed and listen and watch.  Usually fear sets in when it is still dark and we have a storm, but not this morning.  Thankful for the rain, we needed it.
I'm still feeling pretty crappy with this sinus infection, which meant I didn't sleep much last night.  However, my sweet hubby took the kiddos downstairs later on and let me sleep. So thankful for him!
The rest of the day was pretty relaxing, thankful to be at home with my family today despite feeling bad.
Hadley got a surprise call from her best friend and invited her over for the day.  I love the excitement she gets when she knows she gets to spend time with Abby.  I am thankful for the times when we just have one child at home, it makes the one on one time very special. Landry and I both took small naps this afternoon, thankful for that rest.  Thankful that Josh was able to get outside work done while the my little guy and I hung out.  It is neat watching him grow up. He'll be three in November. One of the things I am thankful for him getting older is how he likes to help. He on his own initiative started putting clothes in the washer, helped his sister put dishes away, he's turning into a little man.
Thankful for Saturdays at home, thankful for my family.
Landry enjoying an Oreo cookie and only eating the cream inside

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