Wednesday, August 21, 2013

2nd day of Giving Thanks

Day 2, it's late, I'm exhausted, kids are tired from being the first week of school.  I'll have to admit, knowing that I have to write this tonight, thinking of things that I am thankful for has been a constant on my mind.  Any time something not so great happened, or I was stressed out with my 2 1/2 yr. old crying and refusing to sleep, I would immediately think, but I am thankful for...

1. That I have children who need and want their mommy! Despite the exhaustion that comes when Landry is attached like velcro or when Hadley needs extra mommy time even though she's whining about it, they just need their mommy, they need me.  I am thankful they see me as a place of rest, a place of comfort.

2. Friendship - I know I said this yesterday, but I was blessed to spend the day yesterday with a dear friend that I've known since Kindergarten, Katie.  Katie is really a gem.  I've always loved that she is her own person, not caring what others may think of her and she just has this awesome confidence about her.  Our day consisted of having lunch, window shoppping, sipping coffee, running errands with my kids, and taking a walk.  We had some really great talks, talks that mostly consisted of what God has been doing in her life and me picking her brain on how He has given her such peace in her life.  So thankful we are still friends and hope we are able to see each other more.  Thankful that no matter the distance or time, we never lose that connection of true friendship.

1 comment:

  1. I love you girl! And our Divine connection! God has always encouraged me through our friendship. He has used you to remind me to focus on faith, to learn to stand in front of crowds and sing in church (and even a basketball game!), to show me what a strong Christian marriage looks like, and to be grateful for big and small things. I'm so happy we are part of each others' lives! Not everyone is blessed to meet their best friend at such an early age but I thank God that I was! I wish you all the best on your gratitude journey. I can't wait to have coffee again and here all about how God has used this journey to bring you JOY!
