Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 11 - Thankful for big hugs, kisses, and yes even melt downs and tantrums :)

We made it to Friday, whoo hoo! All of us are wiped, mommy guilt of not being able to take Hadley to and from the bus stop and my little guy is in pre-school for a very long time, has set in.  It has been an adjustment for all of us since we've been used to me being at home most of the day; taking care of things.  We are all so grateful that I am teaching and will just take some time to adjust.
It was another fun day working at school today.  We had a few meetings, some training, and most of the day to work in our rooms! It has been so fun getting it all put together, very thankful for this job!
I am very thankful that I am starting to feel better and that I was able to sleep nearly 10hrs last night!  My husband is like I always say, a rock star! If he wasn't willing to change his work hours and fill in on helping with dinner, kids, etc., I wouldn't be able to do this! Seriously, he's awesome, he let me go to bed at 7pm last night since I was sick!!!
We decided that Friday nights will be our "family" night, meaning, I won't do any work, he won't do any work, and we'll just hang out.  Tonight we had a picnic in this cool area called the College Green at OU. It has amazing trees, and brick pathways throughout the grass.  It was so fun watching our kids and our puppy run and laugh, simply having a good time!  We found out however, that we can not keep the kids, mainly Landry out past 7:30 during the week.  We decided to get some ice cream and that was around 8pm, from literally then on until he went to bed, he screamed, cried, yelled, you name it, he did it. Despite the tantrums and meltdowns, I still had a wonderful evening with my family. Having his meltdowns meant that he had a great day at pre-school and I am thankful he is going there and thankful he enjoys it.  I am thankful that the teacher told me how much she just loves Landry and that she'd miss him over this holiday weekend. Thankful.
Thankful that when my sweet Hadley has melt downs and I think she is starting the "pre-teen" not liking her momma already; that like tonight; she told me many times how thankful she is that I'm her momma. Thankful.
Looking forward to this 3 day weekend with my family, hoping to relax, do some housework, work on lesson plans, and celebrating Josh's grandpa "Pappaw" 76th birthday as well!
God is good!
Happy kiddos enjoying a picnic

Hadley making her little brother laugh

Beautiful Hadley

Melt my heart, Landry grabbed Hadley's hand and said; "Come, Hadley"

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