Tuesday, August 20, 2013

60 Days of Giving Thanks and Seeking Pure Joy

A common topic you may have noticed in my very few blogs I have written is : Joy - Joy is one of my favorite words, favorite feeling, love the meaning and how vital it is in life.  Ironically though...joy is something I struggle with every day.  In the midst of this chaotic life - children, work, school, keeping a home, developing friendships, church, etc. the list can keep going on and on; joy secretly slips away every second of the day.  It frustrates me, in fact it makes me angry that I let little things of the mundane of life steal my joy.  It frustrates me to no end that I know I have a very blessed life that God has given me. I have seriously the most amazing and loving husband who is filled with God's love and His grace, he is an outstanding father to our children.  I have three children, with two I am blessed to know and have on this earth and one that I will know in heaven some day.  We have more then we need, a great house, 2 dogs, clothes, 2 cars, food, jobs, and I wonder; why in the world do I still struggle with finding joy?
I am currently reading an amazing book called One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, it is a book about her journey on finding joy, seeking God, and everyday writing down amazing gifts in the midst of life.  It is really something when you are in need of something and God places people and things in your life to help you get there, even if it takes awhile to wipe the blinders from your eyes.  God has placed this book which was given to my by a new and very dear friend in my life, Brittany. I met her in a small group and pretty much clicked instantly.  Right away life's set backs in both her and my life came up and it has been neat to see how God used us to help each other with these crazy events.  In this short time that I have known her, I would say she knows more about me then people I have known most of my life, she is one of very few friends who isnt afraid to be completely honest yet with sweet intentions for the best of my well-being.  I love her immensely and am forever grateful that God has placed her in my life. God places 2 ways right there - her friendship and that book she gave me.
Another person who is significant on my journey is Christen. We met in Virginia and have kept in touch when I  moved away.  We have a lot in common and I love how no matter how long it has been I can call or text her, tell her what is going on and it's like I never moved away.  She is very busy with 2 young children, but always makes time to talk me through things and best of all...praying for me daily.  This leads me up to what my title is all about.  I called Christen yesterday dumping a lot of things on her as she was running errands with her children and it was one of the best calls I've made in a long time. She took nearly an hour of her time to listen and give me some great advice.  There is one advice that really stuck out, writing a daily blog of what I am thankful for; which coincides with the book I'm reading (she had no clue I was reading), went along with everything Brittany has been sharing (she didnt know that), and I have been contemplating doing this as the book One Thousand Gifts talks about. God, I think You're telling me something?!
So today, I am starting my daily blog for 60 days of what I am thankful for.  Christen did this but was a bit more ambitious then me and wrote for 100 days, (which I encourage you to check out her blog as now she is doing 365 days and it has been very inspiring). She said doing this has literally changed her life! So, I am telling everyone as this will keep me accountable, but more importantly, those of you who choose to take this journey along with me, I hope that this will some how inspire you.  I am writing for me, for God, to find this unspeakable joy.  I am not writing to make anyone else happy, I am not going to worry about what anyone else thinks of me. I am going to be real.
My thankfulness for today:
1. Amazing friends - Brittany and Christen that I mentioned above and I have to mention one more - Alicia - friends since birth, our moms were best friends, we have truly done life together. She knew my mom, knew all that Ive endured, she has endured with my mom, she has been my life line through all of it. I believe she is my sister for real.
I'm learning a lot about friendships.  For so long, many of them have been surface relationships, I am a very private person, not wanting to reveal my true self to anyone, except for a very very select few. This past year, I have been reading so many awesome Christian women blogs, books, on what friendships are suppose to look like based on what God has taught us.  Its a long road, I have a long way to go, but thanks to these awesome ladies - Im making some progress. :)
2. Grace - goodness, without God's grace, my life would be even more messy. I dont have to earn it, it's already there.  Grace is another thing I have a long way to learn and grow, but I am thankful that everyday God's grace is there and new, no matter what I did or didnt do.
3. This challenge - Im sure like most new habits, Ill start out strong and
excited  but will eventually want to give up,  However, I am also a very determined person and when I set my mind out to do something, I go to all lengths to do it (just ask my husband, which this trait can also be annoying :) ). I am excited to do this journey and hope you will be blessed by it as well!

3 gifts of thankfullness - my family - I like that this picture isn't perfect. Hadleys looking away and Landry is crying. We aren't perfect - this is real life


  1. Love this, Jacynda! Thank you for your kind words. You are such a sweet, sweet friend. I love you so much, and I'm so glad and blessed to know you. I'm so excited to follow you on your journey! 60 days! You can do it! Love you :)

  2. Love you friend. So glad that the book has been transformational for you!! The daily reminder to be thankful is so incredibly important.
