Sunday, August 25, 2013

Finding Thankfulness on the Rough Days...Day 6

Days like today are the true test of being grateful and experiencing joy.  Today's been a tough one, but there are still many things that I am thankful for, I just had to look a bit harder.
1.  Hugs from my children - It is pretty neat that both of my children starting when Hadley was close to 2 and then Landry starting this as well, that when they see Josh and I hug they come over, stand between us and hold their arms up for us to pick them up and be apart of our hug as well. It melts my heart every time. Landry did that today when we hugged on the steps.  He gets this big grin across his face and will shake real hard and squeeze our necks tight and often always plants a big kiss on both of our cheeks! Love it!

2.  Coffee shops - I have a favorite coffee shop here in Athens - Donkey Coffee, it had become my second home while working on my Master's the past few years and it's usually where Josh and I end up on our dates.  It has such a comfortable vibe too it one that meets many different needs.  They have couches, comfy chairs, tables, board games, covered porch with tables/chairs, as well as outside seating.  It's a great place to study, hang out, and listen to music on the nights they have it.  I went there today to do some work and sat outside.  It was another beautiful day, nice breeze, not hot, and I loved sipping on my favorite drink - Vanilla Chai.  There is just something about drinking coffee, especially at a coffee shop.

I am bummed I forgot to take pictures today, but the one I posted explains my #1 reason of being thankful today.
Thankful to find joyful things on rough days!
Heres a picture that demonstrates the "hugs" Hadley started when mommy/daddy would hug she is 2 yrs. old  - June 2008

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