Friday, August 23, 2013

Final Friday...Day 4

Today was my "last" friday before I begin working full time.  I am very excited that it is and that I will be doing what I love to do, which is teaching.
This week has been both exhausting, challenging, yet insightful and enjoyable all at the same time.  Both of my kids have had a  hard time adjusting to getting back into school, and as you read yesterday, Landry's first time ever going to a school.  There have been many, many tears from my children's meltdowns and a few shed from this momma as well.  However, despite all of these challenges, God provided me with so many opportunities to spend some much needed time with my girl friends. The awesome thing was it wasn't just through texting/phone calls but a few of which I was able to hang out in person! Score!!! That doesnt happen often; sadly due to the busyness of life, children, distance, work, etc.  It has been neat to reflect how God has used each friend I talked to this week to help me achieve this thing called JOY...

Thankful today for..

1.  Coffee and chatting with Brittany.  I decided to hit up a few yard sales after dropping Landry off and ended up picking up a few baby things for Brittany which is always so fun and she asked if I'd drop by.  It was a great few hours of just hanging out. One thing that I love about Brit is that when you walk into her house you immediatley feel like your home.  She can go about her things she has to do whether it's cooking, cleaning, laundry, feeding her baby, etc. and we still just talk.  I love that she doesnt feel like she has to make her house look like a magazine cover in order for someone to come over.  It was also so awesome to hold her baby and have her fall asleep on me too. Precious!

2.  Evening walks - My absolute favorite time of the day is around sunset.  There is a slight coolness in the air, the sun is not blazing hot, and everything just seems peaceful.  The whole fam including our puppy Myrtle went for a walk.  The start of our walk was interesting with Landry refusing to walk and crying, but it ended up being a peaceful one.  One of the things I like when we walk are talking with neighbors in our neighborhood that we dont usually see/talk to.  Tonight we talked with a family for awhile and all because we both had dogs and I had this student in the class I interned for last year.  On our walk home my favorite scenery was Hadley riding her scooter and Landry on Josh's shoulders.  So glad I took a picture as you will see below!

3.  Talks with my hubby - Moments alone with my hubby are very rare these days.  I am glad we are back on a routine and the kids are getting to bed earlier so that it is easier to make time.  It seems even after the kids are in bed, the hubs has to go back to work, or I am doing things I didnt get done during the day.  However, tonight we actually got to hang out and just talk.  I am so blessed to have the husband that I have, he is amazing, loving, and so dedicated to our family.  I love how he is so involved in my and the kids lives, as I always say, he's a rock star!

God is good and I am blessed with so many things!

1 comment:

  1. You can come and hold Miss P any time!! Also, I'm glad you like my dirty house :) lol We are in desperate need of a vacuum session. Perhaps next time you can hold my daughter while I do that!! Ha!
