Friday, January 31, 2014

Heat wave ! Day 162

I am so thankful that the weather was in the mid thirties today! It felt like Spring! I am so thankful for the warmer weather and for the sunshine. I am so thankful that God kept us warm in our house with no heat issues or frozen pipes during the bitter cold weather. I am thankful that no matter what, we are taken care of! He is good!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sibling Pals.Day 161

What a lovely ride home from our weekly family outing at our local BBQ joint for dinner.  The 5-7 min. car ride was indeed a blissful one!  What happened in the backseat with our lovelies..
1. Holding hands
2. Singing together
3. Laughing together
4. Little bro repeating what big sister would say
5. Big sis, " I love you Landry.."
6. Followed by little bro, "Play hide and seek Hadley at our house - Yay!!"

This is such a rarity that my husband and I looked at each other in disbelief, and quickly filled with joy.  Our sweet children actually enjoying each other!  I am so thankful for my precious kiddos, thankful they are becoming pals, and thankful for their laughter.  God is so good!

As always making a funny face :)

Poor little dude, with a cold again, up since 4:30am, no nap at the sitters, finally conked out on our drive home!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hadley Gracie Girl...Day 160

As of late, it is rare to have a day where my sweet daughter was just that - incredibly sweet.  She was super excited to see me when I picked her up, even greeted me with a homemade Valentine card.  She simply was that "well -behaved" no grumpy, talking back, kind of girl today, even when it was bedtime.  It felt like a breath of fresh air, not that she isn't sweet normally, but today was just an exceptional day, where you think, "Wow, maybe we figured out this parenting thing.." Of course, I know that isn't true, and tomorrow she may make up for it, but I will be thankful and relish in this today!  I am thankful for her, she truly is something, and I am just so blessed to be her mom, my sweet Hadley Gracie!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Reflective Evening..Day 159

Sometimes you  just have days where you reflect on who you are as a person, what you want to do in life, etc.  Today was one of those for me; probably due to having a complete quiet day stuck at my desk studying.  I am thankful for these types of days because I think it helps me truly think about what God is doing in my life, things I need to be better at, what I can do to be a better mom, wife, friend, etc.  I am thankful I have my sweet husband to share these things with, who will encourage me, who wants to reflect as well.  I am thankful for quiet days, thankful for my husband, and seriously thankful for my warm house on this blistery, cold day/night.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Time with My Love..Day 158

Time alone with my husband, my love, my word for the year, my best friend, Josh tonight was seriously what this gal needed.  Being snowed in with my kiddos and everyone needing to burn off some energy takes it toll a bit while Josh works, so finding some alone time with him is next to none.  I love when we can just sit and talk and eat in peace, talk about what is going on in the world, our dreams, and of course we can't go a night without our children coming up. :)  I am so thankful that we both LOVE our date nights, and can't wait for our next one.  It truly is vital in a marriage, to always keep dating each other.  Thankful for my love, thankful for date nights, and thankful for the ones to come!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cabin Fever...Day 157

Cabin fever is setting in after being stuck in the house for a week with high energy kiddos! Tonight we ventured out with our friends for dinner and then headed to get some groceries, I am not gonna lie, I was excited to go to the grocery store!  I absolutely love the weekends when Josh and I are both off of work and we have family time.  There is just something incredibly sweet when we are together as a family.  I am thankful for our family, thankful again that I have my wonderful loving husband who is also a terrific father to my children!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 156...Sledding, Friends, and Snuggles from My Girl

We had a beautiful winter wonderland today, which meant everyone stayed at home! The kids along with our friends/neighbors went sledding and had a great time!  Thankful for our friends and neighbors that we can hang with, share meals with, and our kids can grow up together!  I am thankful my day ended with  my sweet girl snuggled up with me watching The Cosby Show!  God is good!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Vanilla Hot Tea and Western Europe

After a few hours at our fabulous local coffee shop, I am feeling pretty accomplished in my studying of Western Europe.  While I wanted to stay at home in my warm comfortable pj pants and sweatshirt, I needed to venture out in order to have some quiet time to study.  Amazingly after a few hours of studying and indulging into some yummy hot vanilla tea, I actually am happy to say I learned some things about Western Europe. :)  I am thankful for little coffee shops, thankful to come home to my comfy pjs, and warm bed, and yes, again, I will say netflix and Friday Night Lights.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thankful ...Day 154

What I am thankful for today:
I was able to be at home with my kiddos today
Hanging out with friends and neighbors part of the day
Getting out of the house and eating at our weekly place for dinner on Thursdays 
Time spent studying and talking teacher stuff with a friend at the local coffee shop
Warm house and a warm vehicle on this bitter cold day

God is good!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 153- Boys and Their Energy

It has become pretty entertaining and different to see my little man develop into this high energy spunky little boy.  Hadley at age 3 I dont think had half of the energy as Landry does.  I would have to say while it is different and sometimes drives me crazy, it also bring a lot of laughter and joy in our home.  I love watching him run in circles making car sounds, trying to get away with climbing on furniture, and my most favorite is the way he will carry his little hot wheels cars around and make any and everything in our house a race track! I really love the difference between Landry and Hadley, everyday is new, they are definitely not the same. :)  I am thankful to be a mom to my sweet kiddos, and I am thankful for their fun experiences everyday!  God is good!
Snuggles before bed

Landry trying to convince us to let him sleep in our bed - didn't work :)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cuddle Time with Little Man- Day 152

Having my little man WANT to curl up on my lap and actually snuggle is very rare these days.  Of course that makes sense, he's a 3 yr. old little boy! However, today I am thankful for our snow day so that I could be here when he woke up from his nap and to have him curl up on my lap.  Thankful for precious moments like today!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Lunch Date with a Friend - Day 151

Thankful for a much needed lunch date with a sweet friend.  It is incredibly hard to find the time to meet up with friends, but when it happens, it's refreshing.  I am thankful for special friends where you can be real and share life with, friends who will keep you accountable, they are rare and hard to come by.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Am I Really Living a Life of Thankfulness That Others Notice? - Day 150

I began this journey of thankfulness/finding joy 150 days ago and as I have always said, it has changed my life.  I really hadn't stopped and thought if other's have noticed this change in me.  I am not talking about "oh look at me, I am all of the sudden thankful and happy all of the time."  I am speaking of others noticing a difference in my responses to everyday life, both when things are going "well" and when things are "not so well."  Can the people I interact with notice a difference in me from 150 days ago?  What about people who don't know me, when they see me out, or perhaps everyday at work but don't know me, can they see joy in me?  I am thankful for the sermon given by Paul today.  The sermon series is called the three points were Gratefulness, Simplicity, and Generosity.  What struck me was that question he asked in regards to gratefulness - "Are you really grateful for what you have? Can others see that you are grateful?" (This was a question written down to discuss with someone this week, but I think he also asked this. this morning).
I often feel like I may walk around with a solemn look on my face, mostly when I am in a place where I do not know anyone, large crowds, etc.  This comes from a lack of confidence, worrying about what others may think of me, it's wrong I know, a struggle I am trying to overcome.  Since I am obviously unable to see my expression on my own face, I would hope that others would see that I earnestly seek a life of joy and thankfulness.  If I don't, that needs to change.  I often look at other people and see smiles, all the time, I know that is not me.  I wonder if those people actually have joy, or if it's a masquerade, like what I often do. While I am intentionally being thankful daily, I still very much struggle with worry and anxiety, some days more than others.  I pray/hope that as I continue seeking joy and being thankful for everything, the big, the little things each and every day, that this joy will erase my worry and turn it into complete surrender to God.  I pray that I can immediately turn off the negative thoughts into prayer asking God to replace my worry with peace and joy.
So today I am thankful that God uses people and today it was our pastor to challenge me and think about how others view my thankfulness and joy.  I am thankful that I have intentionally and faithfully kept up my daily blog of being thankful for 150 days and how it has changed my life.  I am thankful for a God who never gives up on me, ever.  He is oh so incredibly good!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 149-Cold Crisp Air

There is something about walking and breathing in cold fresh air that just feels so good!   I was thankful to get an impromptu text from a friend to come over and walk our crazy puppies today.  While it was freezing out, it was so nice to get outside in the sunshine and feel the cold brisk wind across my face.  I know my puppy enjoyed it too! Thankful for being outside, thankful for good conversations with friends, and thankful for a day with my family. 
 My sweet kiddos reading together tonight!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 148...Friday Night Lights

Sometimes in the midst of crazy busy and stressful days, you just have to find that something that can take you away for a bit.  Lately,  my mindless escape has been watching Friday Night Lights (amazing show if you haven't seen it) on Netflix.  I know some would say watching TV is a complete waste of time, there is so much you could be doing, etc., while that is true for some, for me right now, it is the only thing that can help me to unwind and relax.  Unwinding and relaxing is something that is extremely hard for me to do, so tonight I am thankful for this awesome show.  I am thankful I am able to escape for a bit and to try and relax.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 147- TGIF Eve

I am so thankful that tomorrow is Friday. It has been a long, exhausting, and stressful week.  Thankful that I am able to have a 3 day weekend with my family.  I am also thankful for teachable moments with my students.  Thankful for those of you who are sticking with me while I'm struggling to write lately.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 146- Hold Your Hand Mommy

Even though today was non-stop crazy busy day from 5am until nearly 9pm, there were still some sweet moments with my son today.  We were in the car a lot today and every time we were riding today he would say, "hold your hand mommy."  Even though I was driving I couldn't resist his sweet request, so I stretched out my arm and held his soft little hand and he grabbed it and kissed it and wouldn't let go. Oh, these precious moments, I wish I could save and hold onto forever.  Thankful for sweet glimpses during the long days.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 145...Thankful for the Words..I Love You

There is something so sweet when your children say "I love you mommy".  Tonight I heard a lot of it from the mouth of my babes and it was a night where I really needed to hear those words.

I am thankful that just randomly Hadley will out of nowwhere just say, "I really love you, you are the best mommy." " I love you more then you'll ever know."  Such sweet words.

Thankful for my sweet children, thankful to hear those special three words.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 144...Thankfulness

I'm beyond tired, this will be short.
Thankful for:
Extra good night hugs from my little man
Being greeted with a joyful Hadley when I walked in from work
Going to bed at 9pm

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 143...Celebration

I am thankful for my husbands family today.  Both Josh's grandma and mom made me a very special made from scratch birthday dinner, and it was delicious.  My mom-in-law asked me what I would like for the meal as what cake I wanted, I chose my favorites, lasagna, and instead of a cake, I asked for their fabulous homemade cinnamon rolls!  While the food tasted amazing, what I am most thankful for is that they both took the extra time to prepare and make both of these items from scratch.  I truly believe when someone takes the time to cook and prepare food for someone, it is a huge act of kindness and love.  Cooking is definitely one of the ways Josh's family shows love for others, they are always cooking, and they will stay up all night to make delicious meals for people, not just family, but for people who have lost someone, people who are sick, and people who do not regularly eat a hot meal.  I am truly thankful for their loving hearts and being such great role models for myself and my children.  I am thankful for celebrating my birthday with family, thankful for a meal made with love.  God is good!
My goal singing and dancing for our entertainment today!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Thankful...Day 142

Today was a day well spent watching my girl get her defense on at her basketball game and hanging with my kiddos. I am thankful my girl is able to play as I know some kids do not have this luxury. I am thankful for my crazy loud kids because it means they feel good and are having fun.  I am thankful for washing nearly 8 loads of laundry because it means we have more then enough clothes and everything we need to wash them.  Thankful for my husband who as always works hard for our family.
God is good!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 141of Thankfulness

What I am thankful for today:

Landry and hearing him talk/speak in complete sentences and starting conversations with us!
Hadley and her humor, she truly loves making us laugh.
Hugs- So many of my students, mostly boys randomly walked up and hugged me today, melts my heart.
My hubby's pancakes- they have become a family favorite in the Lynch house!
My God and His never ending love for me despite my downfalls!

My cheesy grin son and how cute he is snuggling with Hadley's giant bear 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 140 of Thankfulness

Today I am thankful for:
My amazing husband
My two wonderful kids

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 139...Thankful for My Being Back in the Classroom

While I did love being on break and having the extra snow days, I must admit I did miss my students.  It was nice to be back in the classroom seeing everyone.  Since I knew that they were so eager to share what they got for Christmas and what they did over break, instead of digging right into my lesson plans, I decided to have a "share" time as part of my lesson plans. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to their excitement about what they received for Christmas and what they did over break.  I also was feeling so thankful that the students I wasn't sure if they'd have presents to unwrap, had presents to unwrap.  It still amazes me that you can learn so much about students and what goes on outside of school just by the simple activity we did today in class.  Sadly, there was other sad news that I found out as well that breaks my heart, someones grandma passed away, and I would not have known this if we didn't do this activity.  Knowing this sad news effects the way I teach and interact with this student, and hopefully can help this student deal with this.   Things like this just reminds me of why I chose this career.  I truly love these students, and they bless me so much.  I am so thankful for each of them, and thankful for being back in the classroom with them!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 138...Thankful for Belly Laughs Between My Love and My Little Guy

Tonight I am feeling so blessed that I have my love and that not only is he an incredible husband, but such a fun and loving father.  Tonight as I was working, he had brought Landry in our room to put his pj's on for bed.  When Josh was putting on his socks, Landry just started doing his deep belly laugh because Josh was tickling his feet.  It was one of those moments where you just stop and watch such a precious moment.  While I stopped and watched my son look into his daddy's eyes with laughter, and my husband looking into my son's eyes laughing, I was reminded of how God has blessed me.  Thankful for these moments.  Thankful for my awesome husband who adores our kids.  Thankful that my son knows that his daddy is completely head over heals for him!  God is so good!
*I tried to grab my camera to snap that precious moment, but didn't get it in time.

Monday, January 6, 2014

My Word for 2014 - Josh, My Love..Day 137

I am pretty excited to write this blog tonight.  I have been wanting to write this for this past week, but since I've been beginning this blog I have become to believe when you write anything, you have to be in the "right" mind set to do so.  I started last year as having a word for the year and it was JOY.  Having a word for the year means it is something I work on everyday, ways to strive to achieve in this case JOY in every aspect of my life, reading scripture on JOY, praying to have JOY, etc.  While I will forever everyday continue seeking JOY, my new word, or I should say person I will be seeking to bless more is my husband JOSH.  Aside from God, he is the absolute most important person in my life. He's my best friend, my soul mate, my partner in this thing called parenting, he is awesome.  I have chosen Josh to be my word for 2014 so that I can grow in being the wife I need to be for him.  I am far from perfect in being his wife and I will never be perfect, no such thing, but I know there are areas I can grow in, always will be.
This year I choose to focus on my husband, focusing on blessing him, encouraging him, loving him unconditionally, being more of a best friend, being his life partner and as he calls it "his buddy".  It is easy to let the wife/buddy role slip when I became a mom, so much energy goes into taking care of the kids that there is barely any energy left to just be a wife.  My hope is that this year as I put forth more effort, prayer, and energy into my love, our marriage will grow more then I could ever dream of!  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Another Year Older and Hopefully Wiser...Day 136

Today is my birthday, I turned 34.  I remember back in the day when I was in my early twenties I used to think that people in their mid 30's were "middle aged" and not in the "fun young" stage anymore. Now that I am in my mid thirties I whole heartedly take that comment back. :) While I do feel older, more tired, etc., I think back over what I have accomplished so far, and I have so much more to do, so much more to live and experience! Whoo hoo! :)  I am thankful for what God has shown and taught me and I know He has so much more to teach me!  Thankful that I have had another birthday to celebrate.  God is good!

Day 135...The Ball- (This was written late Saturday night but didn't post until Sunday night for some reason)

Tonight I felt like a princess with my handsome prince escorting me to "The Ball"! Every year for Josh's work party weekend, on Saturday night everyone dresses up in cocktail attire to attend a 5 course meal.  Tonight was extra special because my husband had a few surprises since tomorrow (technically today I guess since it is 1:36am) is my birthday.  I have always loved the ways my handsome prince presents his gifts to me.  Tonight I had asked him to help me with my dress and he said, " After I put this on you first".  He then put on a beautiful pearl necklace around my neck and told me Happy birthday and how beautiful I looked, felt like a princess! I am so thankful for him, thankful he was so thoughtful in not only the gift he got me but in how he gave it to me.  I am thankful for this weekend to have some one on one time with him and I am thankful for going to "The Ball" with my amazing husband tonight!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 135...Relaxation

It is that time of year where Josh and I are blessed to attend his company's holiday weekend get away.  I am thankful for this time I get to have with my husband.  I am thankful for a weekend of rest and to stay at a luxurious resort that we never would have the chance to do so if it wasn't for his work.  I am thankful to hang out with his co- workers and their significant others.  I am thankful I am able to sleep in tomorrow and Sunday! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 134...A Cold Winter's Night

I absolutely love the cold crisp air, the way it makes you feel as if you can't breathe deeply because it hurts.  I love the fresh blanket of snow, it reminds me of new days and a new beginning.  I love how snow can sometimes just make you stay at home with family, eat comfort food, and just be together.  Tonight was a special night.  For the longest time I would read Landry Llam Llama Red Pajama before bed at night and at nap time, he and I both knew it so well that we could say it without looking at the pages.  Then all of a sudden, he decided he just wanted to look at the pages and "read" himself, so it has been awhile since he's wanted me to read this book.  It was so special, he would stare at me so intently as I would change my voice as I read, he would finish the sentences, and tell me what the pictures were about.  Even though three's are a trying age, I also love it because their personalities really start to explode.  I am so thankful for these special moments like I had with Landry tonight.
I am also thankful for my time with Hadley and Josh.  Since New Year's Eve we have all three started playing Wheel of Fortune on the Ps3, pretty fun, and it's a great time that we have with just Hadley.
I am also thankful for a snow day tomorrow! :) Yes, I know I have been on break, but really, it would have been torture to try and teach nearly 60 fourth graders on a Friday after being off for almost2 wks.  I am thankful that I am able to spend one more day with my kiddos, especially since Hadley was still on break with her school.  A lot of things to be thankful for today!  God is good!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 133...A Few Words

I was going to reflect on last years goals and what my new ones are.  However, as I sit down to write this blog, I am not feeling it.  I will just simply write what I am thankful for today.
1.  Being with my husband and kids on our last day before both Josh and I go back to work tomorrow.  
2. Our dinner talk tonight over homemade chicken and noodle soup.  We discussed our "family" word for this year - Gentle Words.  I will write more about this later.
3. The way God speaks to me in His own time.  I am still processing this one and will write more about this later as well.
4. My husband. I know I write about him a lot, but he is truly truly amazing.

Thankful for this new year, thankful for God's love.