Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 20...Dealing With It and Overcoming It

These past few days, wow - complete emotional basket case. I guess one can say if you are really letting yourself grieve losses in your life, you are dealing with it. If that is true, then all the tears I have cried actually can maybe be a positive thing? One major negative thing that I am trying to overcome is my insecurities and lack of self worth. It truly is a big black hole that holds me down, keeps my relationships at a distance,and dictates my life.  I am tired. However, I know that I can no longer let what others say or think of me dictate how I feel about myself.  In the end, it is how God views me that really matters and guess what - God has and always will love me unconditionally.  He created me and He forgives me.  I was reminded of this tonight and reminded that I matter, I am loved, and that I am worth it.  Sometimes it takes me coming literally to my knees, completely and utterly heart broken to break down those walls that I put up and let others in to see the real, raw me.  I am thankful that I have a God who loves me even when I am messed up and broken and people in my life who love me no matter what, who is there to cheer me on, and tell me that I am worth it and that I matter.
I saw the most beautiful sunrise on my way to work today, I believe it was God's way of telling me that His mercies are new every morning and He is right there with me - always.

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