Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 13...Worry is a Sneaky Beast

Just when I think I have this worry thing beat, it sneaks up without me even noticing it until I am physically ill. I am having surgery on Thursday, it requires me to stay in the hospital, and I am pretty anxious about it. I hadn't been until today when I had to go in for the pre-op stuff. I had my blood drawn, spoke with the nurse,and the anesthesiologist who just happens to be a friend of mine which is awesome! Worry makes me physically ill every single time. I was sick on my way into the appointment, afterwards, and the rest of the day. It sucks, because I am sick to my stomach and that makes me anxious on top of what I am already worrying about.
Worry is such a vicious, vicious cycle.  So today while I struggled and was sick from it, I prayed, and I reminded myself that God has this.
What I am thankful for today:
1. God answered prayers for a special friend of mine.
2. Seeing my kids laugh.
3. School shopping with my sweet girl.
4. Snuggles from my boy.
5. The beautiful moon in the sky tonight.
6. Encouraging words from others.

Cast all of your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.  I Peter 5:7

A verse I have always recited over and over in my head since I was a child and will continue through my surgery...and the rest of my life.

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