Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 8...Experiencing Peace in God's Creation

There is just something about being outside near water, trees, a blue sky, and the rays of sunshine that is so good for the soul.  Today was such a beautiful day and I was able to enjoy it while canoeing on the Hocking River and hiking at Old Man's Cave.  Every time I am able to spend time outside in beautiful serene places away from my phone, people,and the business of life, I am reminded of the peace that it brings.  No matter how many times I am surrounded by nature, I am in awe of God's beautiful creation.  Every part of nature has such intricate parts to it. The way different roots grow in all different directions, the difference in the height and depth of trees, how the water is shallow in one area, but six inches away you can't see the bottom.  I love how different birds sing different songs and the currents in the rivers.  The beauty of the different rock formations, and the coolness in temperature at the bottom of the cave.  All of these things are part of who God is and what He has created.  Spending time in the beauty and serenity of nature today, brought a sense of calmness and peace over me and in my heart; for this I am thankful.

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