Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 6...Better Day

Thankful for a much better day today! There is something about being around people who you know care about you.  Whether you are with them face to face or having some kind of contact via text, email, or phone.  People that always make you feel important and that they care about you and what is going on in your life. Today was that kind of day for me.  I was surrounded by people who made me feel loved and cared for in all aspects today, face to face, phone, email, text, etc. God created community for a reason, for that I am grateful.
I finally got to watch Heaven is For Real tonight, what an inspirational movie.  Since I have been struggling with doubt lately, it was encouraging to watch the father in this movie who struggled with his faith and the existence of heaven and through his four year old son, God changed his heart.  I could very much relate to his struggle and the experience of God changing that doubt into belief.  I am thankful that God is doing that very thing in my heart currently.  I am seeing glimpses of His faithfulness every day; being around special people today were one of those glimpses.

Thankful for:
1. Fall like weather today.
2. Feelings of peace rather than anxiousness today.
3. Better day.

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