Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day 3... Adjusting

Adjusting to new things are always very trying. Today was one of them.  I am on day three of a migraine that has been on and off since Thursday. Today was the absolute worst day with it, which led me to having to lay down for hours only to waking up even more sick. I am thankful that my grandparents came down for a visit today and that they were able to hang out with my kids for a few hours so I could sleep.  There are new things each day that are an adjustment, today, it was trying to adjust taking care of my kids while I am very sick.  Migraines suck, absolutely suck. I am thankful that my kids are tucked in bed and that I can finally go to bed and hopefully wake up with no migraine tomorrow.
I am one that is not a big fan of change and sometimes not wanting to try new things.  From the little things such as once I find something I like at a certain restaurant, I usually do not order anything different because when I do, I end up not liking it, and bigger things.  The bigger things such as I hate to start new job even though it can be exciting, it is scary all at the same time.  As I have written about so much, I struggle with anxiousness and worry, which leads to having a hard time adjusting to new things in life.  One of the things I am trying to remember as I am adjusting, is that God has me in His hands, and His love does not waiver.

How precious is your unfailing love, O God!
All humanity finds shelter
    in the shadow of your wings.
Psalm 36:7

Thankful for:
1. My grandparents visiting today.
2. My grandmas delicious cherry pie.
3. That my kids are able to know their great-grandparents.
4. Bedtime when I feel like crap.
5. Storms in the afternoon.
6. That my precious kids kept checking on me while I was laying down today.
7. For other's that love and think about my kids.

My son and my grandpa having fun at lunch!


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