Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 5....Sometimes You Just Have to Let the Tears Flow

What.A.Day.  I should've known this day may not turn out to be my day when I was unable to open my new jar of honey for my cup of coffee this morning.  If only that was the worst part of the day...I had an appointment about an hour from home and after that appointment I decided to grab lunch through a drive-through and sit in my car to eat.  I turned everything off, lights, car charger, radio, and the keys were out of the ignition, but somehow only after 10 minutes of eating when I went to start my car it wouldn't start.  Battery dead.  In the past  ten or so years I have NEVER had a dead battery, and I have had this happen to me four times in the past three months.  Thankfully I had a friend close by who I called and he came and jumped my car.  I decided I would carry on with my day and stop at a few stores, again I come out, no lights on, nothing and I barely could start my car.  Afraid of driving on my way home, and it not starting, or waking up in the morning and it not starting, I called my friend and again and he was kind enough to follow me over to Walmart and to see about getting a new battery.  An hour later, I was on my way home with a new battery and $130.00 poorer.  However, I am thankful I had a friend close by despite being an hour away from home, and thankful I made it home.  Throughout the day other major stressful events took place which just added to my day.  The icing on the cake was leaving Kroger's with a cart full of groceries and standing by my car and realizing I didn't have my keys. I dumped my purse out, no keys, looked in the car, no keys. The tears came and flowed, said a few choice words to myself, and tried to walk gracefully back in the store to ask if they would hold my groceries and put my ice cream back in the freezer until I could unlock my car.  An hour later after walking back to my house, getting my spare key and walking back around 9:30pm, I retrieved my groceries, and drove home.  Of all the mess taking place daily in my life, these little things that happened today just exemplified those other things, I caved, and yes broke down in the Kroger's parking lot.  Sometimes you just have to let the tears flow because there is nothing else you can do.  Despite the craziness, I am thankful it was a beautiful night to walk and thankful I had gone home earlier and changed out of my heels into flip flops.  I am now thankful this day is about over and I can go to sleep.
Thankful for today:
1. Beautiful weather.
2. Good friends who help when your car dies.
3. A good cry - it is needed sometimes.
4. Tomorrow is almost here
5. Dinner out with a good friend.
6. Opportunities.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Sometimes, you just need a good cry! Love you. Hope you have a better day tomorrow!
