Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 2...Letting Go

Letting go of past mistakes, failures, or whatever you want to call them, is something that is hard to do. Although I haven't figured out why that is so hard for me to do when I know how much peace that brings, I still tend to cling on to those things.  I forget that God doesn't want me to continually beat myself up over and over; He wants me to learn from what I did, but He also wants me to remember that Jesus already took that pain of sin for me.  Thank you Jesus, for dying on that cross.  I don't even want to imagine what life would be like if He didn't and if I didn't accept Him.  I am in the process of learning to let go of past mistakes, it's a long, hard journey, but I am starting to accept God's grace again.  I realized that if I want to be where I need and want to be with God, and other important people in my life, I have to let go and accept God's forgiveness and His unconditional love.  By letting go, I am starting to feel glimpses of peace in my soul again, what a beautiful thing.

What I am thankful for today:
1. Answered prayers
2. Long meaningful conversation with a special friend tonight
3. Hearing from friends that I haven't heard from in a long time
4. Seeing the excitement on my kids faces when I picked them up from their grandparents
5. God's grace
6. That it didn't cost as much as I thought it was to get my SUV fixed today :)
One of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen. This was taken back in the Fall on my way to work.  Seeing this reminds me of simply letting go and resting in God.

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