Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day 261- Shoes

If anyone knows me just a little, you would know that I am pretty giddy when it comes to shoes. I love them. I love all colors, heels, flats, comfortable, flip-flops, you name it I love them. When I came home for the summer from my freshman year of college my dad about flipped out when I brought home 150 pairs of shoes. No joke, I had that many. I don't think I have that many now, but probably close. My motto is, " a girl can never have too many shoes." Tonight as we were sitting in the drive way with our neighbors,  there was mention of going to the shoe store, and of course that caught my attention and I half jokingly said I'd love to go when she asked her 11 yr. old daughter to go.  Her husband offered to watch the kids and off we went! I had been eyeing a certain pair of sandals for awhile but didn't buy them since they were not on sale. Tonight, however, they were! And yes I bought them! So tonight I am thankful for an impromptu shoe shopping with a friend, and of course scoring a sale! I am also giddy about borrowing my friends gorgeous shoes for this Saturday when I chaperone the Prom. To share my delightfulness in shoes, here are a few pictures. Thankful for friends, great talks, wine, driveways, kids running around laughing, and of course shoes! 

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