Monday, May 5, 2014

Day 253- My Students

Most teachers are counting down the days until school is out for the year, I seriously am not. I am sure if I were in my 5+ years of teaching, I probably would be.  I just absolutely love my students, love teaching, love every aspect about it (except of course the red tape of it, testing, etc.).   Today was one of those days where it was just an absolute joy to be a teacher.  We are taking the state OAA's this week which makes everyone stressed and worried.  Knowing how stressed I am when I take a test, I knew that I needed to help my studens relax and be confident in taking this test.  I had found a link on facebook where teachers from Columbus, Ohio put together a song about passing the test to the song ,"Thrift Shop", it is hilarious and very fun.  I showed it to all of my classes today and they loved it. We danced, sang, and had fun.  My very last class begged me to let them write their own song and present it to the class, and yes, I caved and let them.  (Hey presenting to the class is something they have to learn :) ).  It was so incredibly fun to watch them work in groups and take this so seriously.  I was able to see some arguments but only to see how they could resolve those without me stepping in. I was able to see some shy students come out of their shells, and see some leadership take place.  I absolutley loved seeing the students really be proud of what they did.  I was impressed with the lyrics they wrote about passing the OAA's.  I wish I could post their videos, just so you could see what they did.  One of my most memorable moments was when a student came up to me after I said I would allow them to do this, and he said this, "Mrs. Lynch, I could just hug you forever for letting us do this!" Priceless. I love my job. I love my students.  So thankful that I have had the privilege of being their teacher.

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