Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 97...Thankful for Words of Appreciation

I tried something different with my students today, something I learned at the conference I attended last week.  I began our class with having the students stand in a circle and had them turn to their left, give their peer a high five and tell them one thing they appreciated about them.  The first time around most of the answers were, "I like your shirt." "You are pretty!" The second time I had them turn to their right, give a fist bump, and they had to say a specific personality trait (we often talk about character/personality traits in Reading; so this tied in very well) to their peer.I was amazed at their responses this time. "You have become a better writer." "You always include me at recess." "You are very kind."  "You are a really great friend to me."
What really got me was after I went around and asked each student how they felt when they heard these things, most of the responses were, "I felt good."  One particular student responded, "It felt amazing because I never hear good things about me." Tears welled up in my eyes, and a lump appeared in my throat.  This student has been in several foster care homes, and has had a very rough life.  Another student who tends to have an attitude and not care about being in school said, "I actually felt like a real person."  Tears again.  I am thankful that all three of my classes felt good about themselves today, some it seemed for the first time, others from their peers that they never thought they'd hear that from.  I am thankful that for the students who do not have a great home life can feel safe and loved when they come to school.
Today was a great lesson in that we make an effort to tell someone at least once, why they appreciate them.  Thankful for words of appreciation.  God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Jacynda, you are making such a difference. How incredible!
