Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 259- Mother's Day

The joys of my Mother's Day are most definitely my kiddos. Thankful God chose me to be their mom. This day also brings a lot of sadness with one of my babes in heaven and my mom. I can't help but get sad when I see others with their moms, reading about how wonderful they are, and how they don't know what they'd do without them. I wish I could do the same thing, it sucks.  So I will say this and hope that my precious baby can know - "I am glad that I was chosen to be your mom, if only for a very short time on earth, but forever in heaven I'm your mom and Iove you immensely. "
To my mom-" I miss you. I'd give anything to see you and hear your voice one more time. I hope you can look down and be proud of what you see. Happy Mother's Day and I love you."

Thankful for the pictures and memories I was able to capture today.

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