Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 252- This Week - Both Anticipating and Dreadful For Some

For most, the week leading up to Mother's Day is a fun, exciting, and anticipated time.  Sadly, for some it is the most dreaded week of the year.  It can dreadful for those of us who have lost their moms, for ones who have a mom, but not in the sense of what a mom is suppose to be, or for ones who desire to be a mom.  I came across a really great blog written by a lady who lost her mom to cancer this year.  So instead of me writing mostly tonight, I thought I'd share her blog.  Most of her words are exactly what I feel and would say to anyone out there who still has their mom.  What I wouldn't give for another day to share so many things with my mom that I wasn't able to say.  
I will say, while this week is very hard, I am thankful I am a momma to three babies, two that I am able to hug on and kiss everyday, and one that I will someday in Heaven.
I can't seem to post the direct link, but it is posted on my facebook.  You can also go to this website below and then read the blog titled - Dear Friend Who Still Has Their Mother - 

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