Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 27- Focusing on The Good

There are many great blessings going on in my life. Despite the crap going on right now, I tend to let that consume me and which in turn effects everything and everyone else in my life. So tonight I will focus on the good; there are a lot of those.
1. Thankful that I am spending more time with my family - it's true what people say, when things are tough, your family has always got your back. This summer I have spent more time with my dad, step mom, grandparents, and my brother and sister n law then I have in a long time. So so thankful for them.
2. My kids- they really are great kids. I don't like to be "that parent" who brags but tonight I will say this, I think that Hadley is such a strong and independent young lady who has a very loving and giving heart. I can't wait to see what God has in store for her.   Landry- what a sweetheart who doesn't know a stranger. His big cheeky grin still can light up a room. Love love his deposition and loving heart.
3. Friends - Finding ones who stick beside you through thick and thin,  honest with you but still love you no matter what, are hard to find. Thankful for the ones I have.
4. My job - love being a teacher, incredibly thankful
5. My God- He has never left me despite my screw ups. 

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