Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 30 - Family Time

Incredibly thankful for spending time with my family! Thankful for lots of laughter, good food, and amazing company! Laughter and family is good for the soul!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 29- My List

This will just be a quick list as I am utterly exhausted and ready for bed!
I'm thankful today for:
1. Landry hugging and kissing me repeatedly tonight .
2. Listening to Hadley sing at her first choir practice at OU.
3. Watching Landry sleep in the car.
4. Seeing my daughter smile!
5. Talking to my dad and grandparents!
6. Having a best friend who truly cares about me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 28- My Brother

If you asked me when I was a kid if I am glad that I have a brother my answer would have been the typical sibling answer, "No way!" However, ask me today and my answer is, " I do not know what I'd do without him!" Today he had my back and supported me on one of the most stressful and hard days that I've had.  He drove almost three hours one way, took off work, and time away from his family just to be there for me.  I am so thankful for him. I am thankful that he takes that "protective" brother role. I am thankful that he uses humor to make people feel better, that he is "real", and has a kind and loving heart.  You rock Zechariah!
One of my favorite pics with my bro when he graduated from Boot Camp a few years ago!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 27- Focusing on The Good

There are many great blessings going on in my life. Despite the crap going on right now, I tend to let that consume me and which in turn effects everything and everyone else in my life. So tonight I will focus on the good; there are a lot of those.
1. Thankful that I am spending more time with my family - it's true what people say, when things are tough, your family has always got your back. This summer I have spent more time with my dad, step mom, grandparents, and my brother and sister n law then I have in a long time. So so thankful for them.
2. My kids- they really are great kids. I don't like to be "that parent" who brags but tonight I will say this, I think that Hadley is such a strong and independent young lady who has a very loving and giving heart. I can't wait to see what God has in store for her.   Landry- what a sweetheart who doesn't know a stranger. His big cheeky grin still can light up a room. Love love his deposition and loving heart.
3. Friends - Finding ones who stick beside you through thick and thin,  honest with you but still love you no matter what, are hard to find. Thankful for the ones I have.
4. My job - love being a teacher, incredibly thankful
5. My God- He has never left me despite my screw ups. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Day 26- Thankful

Today was a great day spent with my kids by the pool. I am thankful for this "last day of summer" and that Fall is near! Thankful for God sending people in my life when I need them and for Him providing my every need through the help of others. Thankful for friends and family I can rely on. God is good!