Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A little bit of this and a little bit of that...

How exciting, well for me it is..this is I guess my second "official" blog! Funny how pretty easy it is to write some deep things than it is to actually talk about it out loud to people, even to people who are closest to you. I guess it is because you always hear/see people's reactions when you say them out loud.
I suppose I should talk a little bit about myself, although I do not really like to do so, but it's probably necessary so that in future readings you will understand a me bit better.
 I am 32 yrs. old, ugh..for some reason turning 32 has been a weird and not so great year, my cousin said the same thing to me as we were talking the other day.  I feel as though I have aged quite a bit this year.  I don't have half the energy as I used to, I am constantly forgetting things, and let's face it, eating as much or when I want doesn't agree with me like it did in my twenties. I like to blame it on having children for what I now lack, but who knows.  I am currently in grad school working towards my Master's Degree in Middle childhood in Language Arts and Social Studies. I am now officially done with classes and only have student teaching and my thesis to write - Hello Graduation December 2012!! It has been rough, I won't lie trying to go back to school and be a mom and wife, and everything else going on. I look back on my undergrad and thought back then I was stressed to the max, but man. back then school was pretty much the only thing I had to worry about.
While I am not in class or doing papers (which there are a TON in grad school) I am busy being a mom, wife, and being involved at my church - Oasis Christian Fellowship!
My hubby and my kids are my life, I do not know where I'd be without them.  Josh, my hubby, we met in college.  It's kind of a funny story, but we met while I was dating another Josh.  However, his sweet charm and genuineness won my heart and now we will be celebrating 10 years of marriage this Friday, June 8, 2012! He is a computer engineer dude and is extremely smart when it comes to computers.  However, what blows my mind more than anything are two things: 1. His extreme patience and gentleness he has about him- all aspects as a husband, father, and friend - If only I could be a small part like him in those qualities. 2. His hunger and knowledge for the Bible - this is also something I strongly crave more of and love that he is a great example for our family in this! I could go on and on about him and I will in future blogs...so I'll restrain myself for now!
Hadley Grace - my sweet and stubborn soon to be 6 yr. old- Oh how I love her. I often laugh to myself (well only when I am not about to pull my hair out when she's being stubborn) that God really does get ya back...I was and still am a pretty stubborn gal, and was pretty bossy as a child - so is my little Hadley - in the times I get extremely frustrated with her behavior, I have to stop and think, "my poor mom and dad".  She loves to sing (like her momma), use her imagination, very creative (doesn't get that from her momma), and loves her one on one attention from her momma and daddy! More to come...
Honor J. - I know some of you probably think it's weird or crazy that I speak of my unborn child, but the truth is, regardless that we didn't get to meet this precious angel, she was/is my child and I know I will get to meet him/her when I get to heaven.  I was able to have 9.5 wks of talking to him/her, having hopes and dreams for Honor, and feeling the awesome feeling you have when a child is growing inside of you.  God had other plans for this baby and while someday's I am okay with that, other days I struggle and am selfiish because I didn't get to hold him/her and watch Honor grow up.  I am sure this angel of ours is looking down on us and as I said before, I can't wait to see Honor one day.
Landry Bracken - His smile can light up a room, heck, he can light up a whole city with that grin of his and his "chic-let" teeth! He is our miracle baby as I like to call him.  After we lost Honor, it took a while to get pregnant again and just as I was losing hope in having another child, God spoke to a dear friend of ours from church and she told us one night at small group, as I was sharing my fears and crying and asking for everyone to pray for us, she told us that God told her I would be pregnant. I doubted, but 3 days later - I was pregnant- 9 months later, Landry was born! Everyday he is a reminder of God's faithfulness and that His love never fails. And you guessed it..more to come on this little guy!
You are probably thinking...wow..this is a long blog...yep it is. I have so much to cover! :)  I guess if you have made it this far, then I haven't bored you too much.  I am blessed, that is for sure.  God is good.
I don't know how often I will write, probably when I "feel" it or when God lays it on my heart to.  Thanks for reading! Please feel free to comment! I am hoping to get to know you on this journey as well!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I'm so glad you started blogging. It has made such a huge difference in my life. I hope you love it as much as I do. Loved your first two blogs! Look forward to reading more. Love you.
