Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 212 - "Sit With Me Mommy" "Watch A Mooovie"

"Sit With Me Mommy" "Watch A Mooovie"  Those two phrases melted my heart and had me stop dead in my cleaning tracks to go and do those two things with my little guy.  He literally says movie - mooovie - and he puckers his little lips as he holds out the o's like the sound a cow makes. I love it! Since Hadley is spending a few days with Nanny and daddy had to work late, little guy and I had the evening to ourselves.  I love this age where he is like a sponge, his little mind is just absorbing everything.  I am thankful for the time I had with my son tonight. I am thankful that I was able to stop cleaning and folding laundry to just sit and hold my guy while we watching his favorite movie with elephants.  I am thankful for his deep belly laughs as he ran through the house chasing Myrtle.  Thankful to see his excitement when he and daddy played airplane.  God is good!
Love his laugh here

What you cant see is Josh wanting Myrtle to get out of his face lol

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