When disappointment and the overwhelming of life strikes, a little retail therapy and movie time with my man can do my soul some good. I am thankful for the one thing I purchased for myself today, a wallet for $3.00, I don't really like it, but I needed a new one and this one was soooo cheap. The rest of what I bought was for my kiddos; can't beat winter clothes for 2 and 3 bucks for next year. Meandering through the stores today was what I needed to take my mind off things for a bit, and buying clothes for my kids (extremely cheap; which is a thrill to me) cheered me up. Thankful for that time today to myself. I am extremely grateful for my alone time with my man, watching a movie after the kiddos went to bed. Watching a movie these days are few and far between, now I am just hoping I can stay awake through it. Despite the bad, there is always the good in every day. I am also thankful to have watched my girl play her last basketball game today. It has been such a joy to watch her play and how she has grown from the beginning of the season until now. I especially loved that she had fun playing, which is all that really counts.
My girl #14 ready to play
Landry playing cars during half time
Intently watching her team play while taking a break
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