Monday, December 23, 2013

Something Peaceful about A Sleeping Child, Even When Sick... Day125

I am absolutely ready for my little guy to start feeling better.  On top of his ear infection he broke out in hives due to a reaction to his medication for his ear infection.  The poor kid is down right miserable, can't get comfortable, very tired, not much of an appetite, and just sick.  This is the area in my life where I still have a long way to grow when it comes to not drowning myself in worry and fear.  I have a really hard time letting God take care of my baby, and fully trusting that He's got this.  I have to admit I haven't enjoyed my break as much due to him being so sick, and I know I have got to surrender my son and his sickness over to God and  let Him handle it.  This has also challenged me in finding joy but I still have and here's my list for today.
1. Time off of work
2. Josh is also off of work this week
3. Quality time with Hadley watching Hallmark Christmas movies and making a nativity scene
4. Spending time with our close friends
5. More snuggles from Landry since he's sick
6. Watching my little guy curled up on the couch sleeping, so peaceful despite feeling miserable. This child NEVER falls asleep anywhere but in bed in a room with no one else and he went to sleep tonight with a movie on and other people talking.
7. The weather is cold again today after our heat wave the past few days

As always there are always things to be thankful for, God is good!
My sweet boy asleep on the couch

The awesome nativity scene Hadley made all by herself - this really makes me smile

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