Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 126...One of the Best Christmas'

I would have to say that this has been one of the best Christmas' I have had.  Here are my reason's of thankfulness today.
1. The first thing we did and always do when everyone wakes up on Christmas morning is light candles on Jesus' birthday cake and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.  This was the first year that Landry is understanding this and it was very sweet.
2.  We DID NOT travel anywhere today! This is a tradition we have done a few times since Hadley was born and I absolutely love it when we do.  My kids (and the hubby) stayed in their pj's all day, we weren't rushed in opening gifts, etc, and we just enjoyed each other, their new gifts, food, and family.  Seriously, what a relaxing day!
3.  Watching my children play with their toys so intently.  Landry absolutely loved his big elephant stuffed animal and carried it around with him all day and then would go back to his normal everyday favorite toys; his cars.  He didn't care much to open presents, in fact there are a few still under the tree he hasn't opened, which is just fine with me.  We try really hard as parents to teach them that Christmas isn't about the presents.  Hadley got a new desk, chair, and all the fun little things for her desk - all pink of course.  She spent all day organizing it, writing notes on her new paper.  She also recieved the whole set of Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and she probably has read a whole book already.
4.  Spending time with my husband.  Due to both of us working a lot, it has been so incredibly nice to be with each other these past few days.  It has been good for my sould to spend time with him.
5.  Saving the best and most meaningful for last - Jesus - A tradition that we started for our birthdays is that at our dinner, we all go around and say what we love about that person.  I was excited that at breakfast this morning Hadley said we should say what we love about Jesus.  The things that were mentioned from us were probably the top for me.
What I said: - forgiveness, He always forgives no matter what we have done
Hadley - He loves us no matter what, even the people who dont love Him - Seriously, she hit it on the head.
Jesus loves us despite of how we feel about Him, and He will never stop loving us.
Landry - milk - lol, he's 3 and was drinking his milk at the time
Josh - He died for us and that He had this planned all along even as a baby to save us.

What a wonderful Christmas Day!  Here are a few pics I took on my phone.  The best ones were taken on my real camera and I haven't taken them off yet.  Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you!

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