Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 52..Anxiousness...Taking Deep Breaths and Telling God Out Loud that He Has This

This week has been long and full of a lot of anxiousness and worry, and some peace.  I am awaiting my test results for tomorrow and trying to find child care for my son.  It depends on what time of day as to whether I am handing all of this over to God or I am trying to control the situations.  I haven't been sleeping at all, when I do drift off, I find myself dreaming about this test or dreaming about where Landry will end up.  This morning on my drive to work, I started feeling anxious, the tightening in my chest, and that sick feeling in my stomach.  I turned down the radio and I took 4 deep breaths and I said out loud, "God I have got to hand these things over to you, I can't worry, You have it figured out. I give you my test. I give you my son, Landry."  There is something about saying it out loud rather then just praying in my head.  I had read a recent post from Ann Voscamp, that author of 1,000 Gifts, that said:

Today -- deep breath -- the James 1 Plan:

1. ask God for wisdom
2. believe God without doubt
3. thank God no matter what

"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, 
who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 
But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt." James 1:5-6

This inspired me to do just that today.  
 I could feel peace fill my soul, but yet again throughout the day, I'd let it creap back in.  I am thankful for God's peace.  I am thankful when I say those prayers out loud, He hears them.  I am still not good at completely giving everything to Him and letting Him keep it.  I trust for a bit, then take it back.  I know the more I do this, the more I will be able to let go more and more.  I am thankful that He is patient with me and loves me no matter what.
Tonight..I say those words out loud again and take deep breaths. God you got this, I give you my test, I give you my son.  I give you my anxiousness and worry.
God is good!


  1. I love the "James 1" plan! I wrote it down and put it next to my computer. Don't forget to ask God where Landry should go. And thank Him no matter what your test results are, because regardless, you know He was and is and will be with you. Love you!!
