Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 45... Hardest Day So Far

Since my blogs are about being real and honest, I guess I should admit, I've been dreading writing this blog.  Today's been an all around crappy day and ended with sad news regarding Landry and his current pre-school.  Even though he's made a lot of progress the past few weeks in not having hardly any accidents, his speech has progressed, etc., they decided that he just requires too much one on one and reminders at school.  I completley understand but I am still literally heartbroken that I have to take Landry out and that he has to adjust all over again somewhere else.  I know kids are resilient but right now I'm in tears, anxiety and worry have set in.  I currently have no back up for him, he's on a waiting list at another school, but we have no clue when a spot will open.  Since he was doing so well I pretty much stopped looking for someone or somewhere else.  I know God has it under control, I know He has a plan, but it still sucks.  Yes, again I'm asking for prayer for my sweet Landry. Prayer we find a place where he will be loved and nurtured and will continue to grow in his speech and continue to do great with his potty thing.  
Even though this was a crappy/sad day there are still things to be thankful for.   I am thankful that my kids miss me so much during the day and that I get big hugs and lots of kisses when I see them.  I am thankful for my incredible friend Alicia that I can call at 10 pm and cry on the phone with and share my sadness about Landry even when she has to get up early in the morning for work. Great friends like her are hard to come by.  I am thankful that even though tears of sadness and frustration are being shed now, I know God has a plan and will provide, and will keep Landry wrapped in His loving arms and place him where he should be.  God is still good!


  1. Oh man. I'm praying for your precious son. I'm so sorry to hear such sad news. God had a plan. And it will better than you ever could have imagined. Love you!
