Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Half Way There....Day 30 of Thankfulness and Finding Joy

Whoo hoo! I have made it half way to my goal of 60 days of thankfulness!! I can honestly say it has been the most challenging, rewarding, and joyful 30 days I have experienced in my life. That is a huge statement to make I know, but it is true.  Joy is not a feeling, but a choice.  When someone chooses joy, their outlook on life is forever changed.  I am so thankful for Christen encouraging me to start this journey, thankful for Brittany purchasing the book 1,000 Gifts by Anne Voscamp, thankful for my husband, my life long sister-friend Alicia, and sweet, long time friend Katie for the daily encouragement I have received from them since starting this journey!
Today I am thankful for:
1. 2 cups of coffee and the thoughtfulness of my husband - he made my coffee this morning before I left for work and I have to admit my coffee is complicated and I am very particular. I like almost more half and half then coffee (no joke) and 2 tablespoons of honey but I have to have my half and half warmed up so my coffee will stay hot. I can't stand luke warm coffee. So today he made my coffee but put stevia instead of honey but I would've drank it, but without even blinking or saying anything he made me another to go cup with my honey. So thoughtful and for the day I had today...I needed both of my coffees. I drank one on my way to school and drank the other within first period. Thankful!
2. The sweetness and joyfulness of my daughter tonight - I hadnt seen her until I picked her up from Praise Team practice at church and when she came out she had joy written all over her face. She like me, loves to sing and this was her first night of practice. She absolutely loved it, that makes this momma proud. I am proud she is finding joy in singing songs and worshipping God through singing!
3. Day 3 of no accidents at school for Landry!!!!  Have I mentioned how awesome Miss Lyssa and Miss Janet are???
4. Sleep - I am so exhausted I feel I am in my own bed drifting off as I write this!
God is forever good!
5. Beautiful sunrise this morning. 

1 comment:

  1. Halfway!! And I can already see more joy in your posts and in your perspective. If you don't believe me, go back and read your first couple of entries. In those first days it seemed you had to sort thru the negative in order to find the positive. But now it is all joy, joy, joy! I'm so excited for you and for what God is doing in your life!! Love ya!!
