Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 28...Thankful even on the Busiest Days

Another long day in the books! Left at 6am and didn't get home until almost 9! Wiped but it's been a good day!  Little Hadley ended up staying home due to her fever and cough but so thankful it didn't/hasn't turned into anything that required going to the Dr. and that she hasn't had a fever since this morning!!! And I am thankful for the little glimpses of gratefulness that I see in her.  Tonight I had told her that I was so glad she was feeling better and that I had been praying she wouldn't get any worse.  She actually told me "thank you" for praying for her and I could tell it was truly sincere.
Landry had NO accidents today!! Can I get a hallelujah!!!  The lady Miss Lyssa worked with him all day, I am talking from 7-5, (so grateful) and he responded so well to her! She did visual cards with him, read him a book, and just hung out with him! The plan is for her to do this for a week or so to see if they can get him to not have accidents!  So thankful for her and that he had a good day!!  I am thankful for other people who can offer resources that sometimes parents can't.  
I am thankful for the busyness, it means I have a loving family including 2 dogs that need attention, a great job to go to, and money to buy groceries at the store.  God is good!

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