Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Glimpse of Relief...Day 3 of Gratefulness

It is amazing how quickly something can squelch joy and thankfulness.  There has been quite a few changes this week with not only Hadley going back to school, but my little one going to pre-school at just 2 1/2 yrs. old.  He has been potty trained since last Spring and as all kids, has accidents here and there.  Hadley attended a wonderful pre-school and we wanted Landry to go there as well which is why we started potty training early.  I start my new teaching job next week (extremely thankful) and all was in place as far as childcare goes, Hadley in school, Landry in pre-school.
So, this is a huge transition for Landry, he's been away from me, but only with another babysitter either at my house or theirs, and with only a few other children.  He has never been exposed to a structured -classroom setting.  So starting this week has left him uneasy not to mention very grumpy in the evenings due to being very tired since he is not sleeping during naptime.  This uneasiness has also led him to regress a bit in his potty training, with having a few accidents everyday so far this week.  The director informed me this morning that I should look into a backup plan incase Landry continues to have accidents.  That was my joy squelcher today, yes, I know it's not a life threatening, major thing, etc.  However, if anyone knows me just the slightest, I am a planner, I like to have things organized and ready to go and when things get out of whack, it steals my joy and stress seeps in.  I left his pre-school nearly in tears wondering what in the world will we do,  why is he having accidents, God can I please catch a break?!  
I immediately came home and started searching for other potential places, I asked some close friends to pray, and yep, I stressed, and fretted about what will happen if he cant go there anymore.  I start my new job next week, he has to have somewhere to go!!! between the stress, the searching, I was able to pray a continuous conversation with God throughout the day asking Him to help Landry, if this is the place for him let him  have an accident free day, help me figure out what to do.  I knew I needed to find the joy and thankfulness of my day despite this hiccup.  Here are the things I am thankful for today:
1. I was able to still pray throughout my stress/freak out moments. Some of you may be like, um, shouldn't you already be doing that? Well yes, of course, isn't that everyones wishes, isnt that every person who has a relationship with God strive to have a never ending convo with God on a daily basis?  But remember, we are imperfect, I am most certainly not strong in this area, so yes, I am thankful that I was able to talk to God, because I usually just freak out and not pray!

2.  Landry had an ACCIDENT FREE DAY!!! Thank you Jesus!!! I can't tell you the relief I felt when I picked him up today and the teacher said he had NO ACCIDENTS!! I picked him up, hugged him tight and told him how proud I was and told him he would get a treat - he asked for a donut! :) So off to our local drive thru donut place we went - and he ate the whole glazed donut! Way to go buddy!!

3.  Walking in the rain - Today I was blessed to hang out with a sweet friend who watched Landry last year while I was interning and her precious baby.  She lives close enough to uptown Athens so we were able to walk up and enjoy lunch today! On our way back, it was starting to cloud up and get dark and we were pretty close to her house when it started raining.  I cant remember the last time I was out in summer rain, and it felt great!  It was refreshing and calming.  In fact, it was sort of a reminder to slow down and enjoy little moments.  Everyone's reaction is usually to run as fast as you can to get out of the rain, and we sort of did as we got closer only so her little baby wouldnt get wet but we also took time to appreciate it and realize how refreshing it was.  Thankful that God uses things like getting caught in the rain to remind us of the little things to appreciate.

Anyone else jotting down things they are thankful for today? I'd love to hear them!

* Another side note, stealing this from Christen as well, but I hope to take a few pictures of my kiddos daily so I can be reminded of how they grow and how precious they are!
Hadley at her 2nd grade open house!

This was taken this past Tuesday, Landry hiding in our puppies cage - I think he was trying to get away from the puppy! 

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