Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Today was just as the title read; Blah! It seemed everything I tried to accomplish today either took me a million tries or didn't work at all. These days happen to many of us and by the end of the day, it leaves a person especially this gal completely and utterly exhausted.
My day didn't necessarily start off bad but as soon as I sat at my desk to work on my Master's paper among other paper work, things started to not work out so well.  I tried to print off important papers which then the printer wouldn't print, then I missed the mail man when I tried to mail important documents, and as I was typing I kept messing up and things weren't flowing.

I decided after a few hours of working that I should heat up some lunch which I was excited about since it was left over pizza from my favorite place and some yummy new organic chips that I just purchased.   I thought I'd relax and watch a little TV while I ate lunch before I went back up to my office.  Well....I gathered my food, sat in my favorite chair only to find out there was no remote to be found for the TV. I got up, looked EVERYWHERE no remote, I go to use the old fashioned buttons on the TV and those kept messing up as well....I finally get it on sit down and well those organic chips were in a "green" bag which meant you had to use scissors to open, it wouldn't just rip open like normal bags. You get the picture, I know these things are petty, but it was just adding to my Blah day.

Instead of boring you with the details about the remainder of my day I'll just list them:

- went to prep my turkey dinner - thought I bought a turkey breast - instead it was a whole turkey (not a fan of the dark meet)
- not a fan of cleaning the inside parts out of that turkey, and pulling feathers off..grosss....finally got it in the oven
-worked again on my stuff, printer still wouldn't print
- tried to pay bills online - after putting in all the info, a big flash of orange letters on the screen - ERROR - try again later....grrr..Really?
-still getting over a sinus infections of over 3 wks..which means I am tired, still feel a little crappy
- High light of my day - BFF calls me - always makes my heart happy
- daughter gets off the bus - series of back talking, etc. etc. - ends up in her room, her fav things taken away...drama
- checked on the turkey - the little red thingy popped up to say it is done, looks done so I turn off the oven keep it in there to stay warm until the hubs and little man comes home
- start dinner - over steam the broccoli - smelled gross...
- had hubby buy a meat thermometer to make sure turkey is done, comes home we check it, turkey NOT DONE - mean while everything else was ready for dinner except for the turkey -
- Need I go on...So needless to say, I felt like I have failed at everything I tried to attempt today!

At 7pm I was ready to call it a day and hit the sack. We all know that doesn't happen when you have precious kiddos...but there were precious moments the rest of the evening that took away the blahs for a little while.  The sound of my kids singing and laughing at the dinner table, all of us sharing what our favorite thing of the day was and the worst part of our day.  The loud splashes and giggles during bath time, and the snuggles and kisses at bed time.  But there is one part of the day that gets my heart every time and that is our prayer time. I am thankful that Josh started this tradition of how we pray after Landry was old enough to walk around....we all go into Hadley's room, and instead of laying in her bed to pray like we used to, we all kneel, close our eyes, and fold our hands.  There is something about kneeling before God and seeing a 2  and a 6 yr old doing this too.  While we pray, I sneak and open my eyes to see my little guy closing his eyes so so tightly and folding his hands with his elbows on the side of the bed, and watching my 6 yr old say the prayers.  One of these days I want to take a picture and capture this precious moment.  These are the moments that can turn your Blah days into good ones!

God is good and I am blessed with my life!